Get to Know Genova’s Jessica Jones

At Genova Seafood, we can proudly say that our team includes some of the most interesting food lovers in the industry. One of those interesting food lovers is our Senior Manager for Regulatory Affairs and Nutrition, Jessica Jones, PhD, RD, LDN. Jessica’s passion for food extends beyond her work as a dietitian and regulatory specialist; it’s also central to her lifestyle as a working mom. We recently sat down with her to talk about her role at Genova, travel, family traditions, and culinary inspiration—and we got a little peek into her pantry, too.
Can you briefly describe your work at Genova?
Jessica Jones: Our team is passionate about spreading the good word about Genova Premium Tuna. As a Registered Dietitian with a regulatory background, I develop and approve health and wellness-related messaging to ensure our fans know not only how delicious our products are, but how incorporating them into their meals can be a smart choice.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I spend a lot of time with my family. My son and I especially enjoy cooking together! It’s great bonding and learning time, plus we always end up with something delicious at the end.
As a working mom, how do you simplify week-night meal preparation?
I try to meal prep a few things over the weekend, keep key pantry and freezer staples on hand for quick weeknight meals, and of course rely on take out from some of our favorite local restaurants.
Besides Genova, what are your pantry must-haves?
I love having grains and pasta, canned tomatoes and other veggies as well as a full cabinet of spices. With those key things, a quick, balanced and delicious meal is always within reach.
What’s your favorite dish to cook with Genova?
I really love prepping a simple recipe with pasta, sauteed tomatoes and garlic, Genova Yellowfin Tuna with Calabrian-Chili Infused olive oil, with fresh parsley on top. It’s a great dish that’s packed with color, flavor and nutrition, and it comes together in about 20 minutes. I usually always have the ingredients on hand, and it’s great to make in a larger quantity for leftovers or last minute guests.
Where do you look for culinary inspiration?
I have a very “well used” stack of recipes from family and friends. I also like to refer to cookbooks or social media folks that live a similar life to mine — busy, working families. While I love to cook, with one son and another on the way, I don’t always have the time to be making involved recipes like I used to.
What’s one travel destination you can’t wait to go back to, and one place you need to visit in your lifetime? Why did you choose those places?
My husband and I really love Miami for the food, culture, beaches and architecture. We try to squeeze in a short visit whenever we can. We went once on a whim and have loved the city ever since. We would love to visit South Africa one day — not sure when that will happen, but we can dream!
Speaking of dreams, who’s on your dream dinner party guest list, and what are you serving?
Besides cooking, one of our favorite things is music. If we had our wish, we would invite all of our favorite artists over for dinner including The National, Andrew McMahon, Del Water Gap and Noah Kahan and of course, my favorite chef, Bobby Flay. I hear Del Water Gap loves tinned fish, so naturally I think Genova Seafood would be on the menu because it’s that good that I would serve it to some of my idols!
Do you have a go-to tip for entertaining?
Keep it simple and fresh with high quality ingredients. I like fresh fruits, veggies, meats and homemade dips for appetizers. I think it adds a very custom touch and the colors are always very pleasing to the eye. I also like using nice glasses and dishware for drinks and dinner — the little things can really elevate the experience.
What’s your favorite food memory?
This is the easiest question you’ve asked! My favorite food memory is cooking with my Dad. He really sparked my love of food and cooking. When he worked the night shift, we would always cook dinner together before my Mom got home from work. While we didn’t cook anything too elaborate, it was so much fun and something I try to pass on to my own family. We still enjoy cooking together and sharing recipes to this day.